Our Services / Our team extension service: a winning model

One of the challenges facing a company that decides to undertake the development of an “in-house” software in this historic moment is the selection and training of the development team and how to manage its maintenance.

Many companies, for this reason, prefer to have their own software developed by an external company. In Globus we carry out this service and it is an extremely valid model especially if you have clear ideas about what you want to achieve.

In cases where the ideas are not very clear or in which you decide to carry out continuous development of your software, the idea of using internal staff may seem the best solution, however, in the face of disadvantages that must always be taken into consideration.
The first certainly concerns the aspect of personnel selection. It is necessary that those who make the selection have the skills to be able to evaluate extremely technical skills such as those that must be possessed by developers. In fact, the presence of a figure in the human resources office extremely specialized in this kind of research is necessary, and this can hardly be present in a company that does not deal with information technology.
In that case, it may be necessary to use external services that will increase the costs of recruiting figures who are already difficult to hire. The market demand is, in fact, clearly higher than the number of developers available in the world of work.

Once these resources have been hired, it will be necessary to coordinate them and above all train them, in a continuously evolving environment, with technologies that are constantly changing and updating; the training of resources is in fact one of the primary aspects to be taken into consideration when dealing with figures of a technical nature.

Of no less importance is the difficulty of being able to scale the team according to new needs. Whether the project requires fewer resources, whether you want to make a sprint in the development or evolution of the software or if there is a need to implement new features in a short time, the process of increasing or decreasing personnel is not simple and certainly not immediate.
Our team extension service was created precisely to meet these needs and difficulties: a service that combines the advantages of having an internal team with the flexibility and simplicity of outsourcing.

How does it work

After defining the business needs together, the figures who could make up the team are selected. The team is usually made up of the necessary developers and a project manager if the company doesn’t have him in its staff or this is already engaged on other projects.

The various figures are evaluated together with the customer and, if deemed suitable for the project, inserted into the work team. After a short phase of preliminary work, the project can begin.

The team will work remotely and, depending on the needs, may also be an international team but will act in all respects as if it were internal to the company, however, using the know-how, facilities, equipment and training provided by our company.

In the event that the project requires to increase or decrease the figures involved, it is possible to do so in a short time.

An important and not obvious thing: everything developed by the team will be owned by the client company without further additional costs, just as if it had been developed by an internal team.

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